on-course search stats
Free text search statistics - Year 2015
on-course® search engine offers filtering the courses by different parameters such as course type, learning context, language of instruction, teaching method et cetera as well as a free text search. Free text searching is a search mode in which course titles and other descriptive fields, i.e. course description, are searched for one or more keywords, whose proximity to each other may be specified in order to increase the specificity of the search. You will find underneath the ten most frequently used keywords for the free text search on the on-course.eu in 2015. Each single keyword or phrase in this list is linked to the on-course® search engine. That means, on clicking these links you will be forwarded directly to the search results on the on-course.eu.

Searched keywords (No. of searches), in descending order by number of searches
Statistics (573 searches)
Bioinformatics (279 searches)
Pharmacovigilance (264 searches)
Pharmacy (240 searches)
Personalised medicine (196 searches)
Efficacy and Safety (196 searches)
Age related disease (185 searches)
Regulatory affairs (155 searches)
Microbiology (135 searches)
Project management (120 searches)
Visit statistics - Year 2015
As of 21st December 2015 on-course® team has collected courses and related information from 745 course providers. These are universities and non-universities offering master and PhD programmes in biomedical sciences as well as short courses for the continuing professional development (CPD). We listed here twenty most visited course providers linked to their websites on the on-course® portal. Find more European course providers as well as global players in distance learning under on-course.eu/providers/.

Provider linked to the on-course® provider's website (No. of visits; No. of published courses as of 21-Dec-2015; courses are created and updated by course provider: Yes | No), in descending order by number of visits
Catholic University Medical School, Rome (195 visits; 2 courses; No)
ECA, European Compliance Academy (180 visits; 51 courses; No)
ECCRT European Centre for Clinical Research Training (159 visits; 24 courses; No)
Astra Nova Ltd (128 visits; 1 course; No)
Rostrum Training Solutions (112 visits; 9 courses; No)
Scientific Update (88 visits; 9 courses; No)
Pharmaceutical Training International (78 visits; 12 courses; No)
EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (73 visits; 45 courses; Yes)
Drug Metabolism Discussion Group (67 visits; 6 courses; Yes)
Drug Information Association (57 visits; 20 courses; Yes)
DSRU, Drug Safety Research Unit (53 visits; 13 courses; Yes)
Analytical Training Solutions (51 visits; 9 courses; No)
Zenosis (50 visits; 23 courses; Yes)
The Center for Professional Advancement (47 visits; 3 courses; Yes)
CryoLab S.r.l. (46 visits; 1 course; No)
Genesys Training (44 visits; 7 courses; No)
University Claude Bernard Lyon, Eudipharm (42 visits; 9 courses; No)
TOPRA (41 visits; 33 courses; No)
Medical University of Vienna (41 visits; 37 courses; Yes)
Key2compliance (37 visits; 12 courses; No)


"XCRI stands for eXchanging Course Related Information, and the XCRI Course Advertising Profile (XCRI-CAP) is an information model, supported by an XML specification, used to share information about courses between UK education institutions and aggregators such as UCAS and other sites that advertise courses." [wiki]

XCRI-CAP : Making the most of course information - Vimeo

"XCRI-CAP is a standard that makes it easier to move data about courses around. It is used to improve the way staff do things within their own organisation and in partnership with other organisations. It gives organisations the capability to offer new and enhanced services to users of course related information. Its standard format and common definitions make it possible for information in different systems to be shared and updated without having to re-enter data." [vimeo - XCRI-CAP Introduction]

Useful links


European Standard EN 15982:2011

"This European Standard specifies the characteristics of electronic representation of Learning Opportunities in order to facilitate their advertising and subsequent discovery by prospective learners. Key users of the standard will be: - those who provide opportunities for learning and wish to advertise them; - those who offer electronic search services that aggregate results from multiple Learning Opportunity providers; - those who wish to compare Learning Opportunities that have been represented electronically. This European Standard specifies an abstract model for representing Learning Opportunities. The model specifies three resources about which metadata can be stored to facilitate advertising of Learning Opportunities: a) the Learning Opportunity Provider; b) the Learning Opportunity Specification; and c) the Learning Opportunity Instance. This European Standard specifies the characteristics of relations between the three resources and recommends a core set of metadata for each." [European Committee for Standardization (CEN)]


Useful links